Today I receive an email notification so wish to thank my anonymous donor for Core Membership. I try to enjoy these benefits, thank you.
Our sharing here on DeviantArt matters most to me, and though it is fun to try to sell images,
I enjoy daily challenges and developing my artistic interests or style. I am
a hack and self-trained but have been recipient of many art tools like beautiful sketch book with colour pencils in black hardcover, or water colours in pencil or travel kit.
Fun in hobby of art interest feels like the most important event to me on daily basis.
I have experienced extraordinary growth, and am dumbfounded by anyone's jealousy.
Two days ago my self-published memoir in softcover arrived in China, at Tongcheng Teachers College, and my "protagonist" Maggie calls. She suffers now from sun allergy and must cover herself from head to toe in black with only her eyes visible, like the burka from Afghanistan. She stuck with me through writing, and calls to thank me for spreading news of Tongcheng
throughout our small world as this book Essences of Tongcheng gains interest worldwide.
Who knows if I can earn a living in this way? But I did travel to China, and work for two years
in Tongcheng, making new friends along the way. Somedays this is all I have. Thanks to whoever and donating my one-month membership in CORE on DeviantArt. Maulo